Alimony & Child Support Attorneys in Hartford, CT
Understanding Financial Support After Divorce in Connecticut
All divorces will result in property division, but not all divorces will result in a court order for alimony. Whether you have been a financially dependent spouse or have supported your spouse financially, you can expect questions of alimony — yes or no, how much, and for how long? — to be part of your divorce negotiations, mediation, or litigation.
Our Hartford alimony lawyers will help you resolve these complicated issues. Call (800) 496-0497 to schedule your consultation.
Is Alimony Likely in Your Divorce Settlement?
The longer the two divorcing parties have been married and the more substantially one spouse has supported the other, the more likely it is that a family law court judge will expect to see some spousal support in the settlement agreement.
Connecticut General Statute 46b-82 lists several factors for the court to consider in entering an order for alimony. If you believe alimony should be or may be part of your divorce settlement, talk to a knowledgeable attorney.
The considerations of a court in entering an order for alimony include, but are not limited to, the following:
- One party has made considerably more income than the other
- One party supported the other through graduate school or other education or job training
- Your marriage has lasted several years or longer
- You or your spouse, whichever of the two has earned less, has become accustomed to a lifestyle that will not be sustainable after separation or divorce without alimony
Despite Connecticut being a "no-fault" divorce state, the court can consider fault for the breakdown of the marriage in making an order for alimony, as well as the following:
- The age, health, station, and occupation of each or both of the divorcing parties
- The amount and sources of income
- The earning capacity of each of the parties and/or their employability
- The education level of either party and/or how long it will take a divorcing spouse to enter the workforce
- The financial needs of each of the parties
If you will pay or receive spousal support before or after your divorce, or both, it is also important to know when that support will stop. Consult with a Hartford alimony lawyer to learn how to request a modification, if applicable.
Ensuring Fair Child Support Payments in Hartford
When a marriage includes children, child support is likely to apply. At Budlong & Scelfo, LLC, we work hard to ensure that our clients understand all of their rights and responsibilities as separated or divorced parents of minor children.
Whether your children will be with you most of the time, half the time, or less than half the time, you need to know whether you will receive (or pay) fair amounts of support.
Many family law attorneys will tell you child support is determined by a formula determined by the state — but they may not tell you how to maximize your position through accurate input of data into that state calculator, or when there is cause to deviate from the Connecticut Child Support Guidelines.
Child Support Regulations in Connecticut: What You Should Know
Child support cannot be waived in CT by either parent. According to Connecticut, both parents are permitted to support their children. Payments are estimated by the income of both parents and children in the family based on strict statutory guidelines.
At Budlong & Scelfo, LLC, our Hartford child support lawyers will work with you to ensure you do not pay or fail to receive any more (or less) than is determined by law.
Do the right thing by your children by keeping your finances as secure as they can be if you will be paying or receiving child support after a separation or divorce. Perhaps you believe there is justification to change child support amounts through a modification of a family law court order because you or the other parent now has higher or lower income or expenses. Consult with a knowledgeable child support attorney without delay to learn how to go about seeking a modification.
Protect Your Rights and Financial Wellbeing Today
Make an appointment to talk to one of our alimony and child support lawyers or legal staff members. Reach us by calling (800) 496-0497 or by completing our online intake form.

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